With the HTML page builder, you can create a webpage (almost) exactly according to your liking.
Create elements
Use the left sidebar to insert items into the canvas. You can customize the type of element, its body, and its classlist from this menu. You can use bootstrap class names on your webpage.
Main canvas selection
The middle screen is the canvas. All your created elements appear here. You can select these elements with the mouse pointer to further customize them from the right sidebar.
Element modification
The right sidebar allows in-depth modification. It gives options to change the body of the element, and the classlist, along with the CSS Properties for the element. A large variety of CSS properties are available. This way you can fully customize your elements according to your needs.
Classlist editing
The Edit classlist section available on both sidebars enables you to add, edit, or remove your classlist items. This feature may not have greater importance for normal users, so if you can't understand this, you can safely leave it. You can use the Add button to create an item in the list, or press the edit or remove buttons to take action accordingly.
Export your page
You can export your built HTML page using the Export as HTML button. This button gives an option to copy all the HTML source code for your built website. This way, you can use your built HTML page for production use.
Made as an assignment by Thomas Catt