Assignment 4

Ok so this one is a big assignment. Do it carefully, and take it seriously (for once, please). You will be making a web app using HTML, CSS, AND JavaScript. Apply everything you know (try to impress me :) )


Important: Must read:

I will not be responsible for your carelessness about wrong information in your mind

Information written in this assignment is very specific. Do pay attention while reading, and while building up thoughts on solutions. I will not be responsibe (as you think I am) for any of careless reading done by you. In account of mistaken information from you, you will have to face it since it is obviously your fault.

Don't get overwhelmed by the hardness of this assignment; there is a reason why it has no due date

I made this assignment so that you can have a big side project, in which you keep adding things along with learning them. Apply as you learn. Do as much you know, if there is some concept you don't understand then you can ask me (or google). This assignment is not expected to be done immediately. But if you are able to, then that is really good :)

Do as much as you can, this is a really big app (for this level)

You need to be adding things to this, step by step, but you don't need to be fast. This assignment has some relatively harder aspects which are difficult and more challanging to solve. But you don't need to get overwhelmed by it since right at this level I don't expect you to do this assignment all at once. Do as much as you can, ask others stuff, and learn along. That's what I expect.

Read the above before proceeding.