aight here goes some more html. and yea btw tables are hard so u'll need to practice them a lot. dont worry, they arent used much, and when you cant remember something, googling is handy in those occasions ;)
Lists are used to list stuff. Like when you have a list of items, you can use HTML to display them in an unordered (bulleted) and ordered (numbered) list.
Unordered Lists display their items in a bulleted form. The ul tag is used to create an unordered list. An li tag represents a list item, which is contained inside the ul tag of the list.
Following is an unordered list:
The code behind this list is:
Ordered Lists are written like unordered, except for that the <ul> and </ul> is replaced with <ol> and </ol> respectively. Ordered lists produce numbered list items:
The code behind this list is:
Tables are used to present data in a tabular format. Following is a table of marks of three students
Name | Marks | Total |
Joe | 79 | 100 |
Rick | 56 | 100 |
Imran Khan | 1 | 100 |
By default, tables have no borders, but you can add one by using the border attribute to the table tag.
Following table has border="1" attribute in its table tag:
Name | Marks | Total |
Joe | 79 | 100 |
Rick | 56 | 100 |
Imran Khan | 1 | 100 |
The table tag of the above table is:
<table border="1">
    <!-- code !-->
Whats a comment? Like Share Subscribe comment? Nope. Comments are parts of code, which aren't executed. They are used for informational purposes only. Like you can leave a note for someone, or for yourself... there are many possibilities. The <!-- code !--> you saw above, was a comment, and was used to show that the interior of the table tag was written here.
How do you make a comment? Every language has comments. Whether it's PHP, JS, C, C++, C#, Java, CSS, etc. The method of writing a comment is pretty similar throughout every language, but here in HTML, it's different.
Though you don't need to worry about remembering the method for it. Your text editor (like Sublime Text) will automatically take care of it when you press it's hotkey. Usually, the shortcut is Ctrl + /.
When you write a comment in HTML, you enclose that desired part of code with <!-- and !--> Text editors represent a comment with grey color.
Comments are really, really, really common, so I thought it would be important to know about comments at this stage. Now, back to tables.
Similarly, you can use the width attribute to change the width of the table. Following is a table with border="1" and width="500" attributes:
Name | Marks | Total |
Joe | 79 | 100 |
Rick | 56 | 100 |
Imran Khan | 1 | 100 |
Writing a table is hard work :/, but i'll break it down into simple steps for easy understanding!
Now, we have a table:
Name | Marks | Total |
Joe | 79 | 100 |
Rick | 56 | 100 |
Imran Khan | 1 | 100 |
Let's see its HTML first:
Overwhelming right? Don't worry, once I tell you the basic stuff, you'll start noticing things:
tr is table rowNow i know you couldnt understand anything above, so let me show you this cool little HTML editor, in which you can edit stuff anyhow you want. The results will update as you type. This way, you might get a little understanding of the table tags:
Try changing some stuff in the above HTML editor!