This assignment is a collection of several CSS tasks, which help you understand CSS concepts and improve common practices.

Don't forget to use google if you are stuck at something. Google helps more than I can :D


Following are the tasks to do. Make sure to read the guidelines carefully before starting work on each.

#1: Color

CSS method: Inline Styling

Difficulty: Easy

Time: Tiny

Description: Type some text in a h1 tag, and give it a purple color.

#2: Font

CSS method: Inline Styling

Difficulty: Easy

Time: Tiny

Description: Type some text, and change its font to Arial.

#3: Custom Heading

CSS method: Style tag (use classes)

Difficulty: Moderate

Time: Small

Description: Modify a p tag to make your own h1 tag. (Replicate the size, weight)

#4: Sizing & Centering

CSS method: Inline Styling

Difficulty: Easy

Time: Small

Description: Give a div tag a width, height and any background color (so that it is visible on the screen), and center it horizontally.

#5: div customization

CSS method: Style tag (use classes)

Difficulty: Moderate

Time: Moderate

Description: Make a card, by customizing a div (give it a card class and apply CSS to that class). Use these properties:

  • Shadow
  • Border
  • Padding
  • Rounded Corners

#6: Page font

CSS method: No limitation

Difficulty: Moderate

Time: Tiny

Description: Add Some content to a page (headings and paragraphs, use lorem ipsum text, or quickly copy some of it by clicking me), and change the font of the whole page to Consolas.

#7: Spacing

CSS method: Inline Styling

Difficulty: Easy

Time: Tiny

Description: Create 3 divs, make them squares of considerable size (let's say, 100px). Give all of them three different colors.
Now, you will see something like this:

These all are packed together. Your task is to make them having spacing around each other, so that none touches any other. Like this:

Please don't even think to use the br tag to achieve spacing.

#8: Circle

CSS method: No limitation

Difficulty: Hard

Time: Moderate

Description: By using any CSS property, Modify any element to make it look like a circle outline, like this:

#9: Button customization

CSS method: External CSS

Difficulty: Moderate

Time: Long

Description: Mimic the behaviour (layout, and hover effect) of the button below. Customize the button tag directly, NOT using any class.

These are the properties to keep in mind:

  • Background Color
  • Text Color
  • Shadow
  • Padding
  • Font weight (changed on hover)
  • Corner Radius

If you are confused about how to customize button layout when the button is hovered, then read the doc again lol

#10: Mono class

CSS method: External CSS [Use the same style.css file as before, don't create a new one]

Difficulty: Moderate

Time: Long

Description: Mimic the behaviour of the text below. Use the mono class to target your CSS, not the tag directly.
Use the span tag to show your output.

I am some text

These are the properties to keep in mind:

  • Background Color
  • Padding
  • Font family
  • Border
  • Corner Radius


How hard do you think these tasks are?


Pack your project in a .zip file. Following folder structure is expected:

Send the .zip file to me


Item Important points Marks
Task #1: Color
  • Correct CSS method used
Task #2: Font
  • Correct CSS method used
Task #3: Custom Heading
  • Correct CSS method used
Task #4: Sizing & Centering
  • Correct CSS method used
Task #5: div customization
  • Correct CSS method used
  • All properties replicated
Task #6: Page font - 1
Task #7: Spacing
  • Correct CSS method used
  • Correctly sized div elements
Task #8: Circle
  • Border
Task #9: Button customization
  • Correct CSS method used
  • All properties replicated
Task #10: Mono class
  • Correct CSS method used
  • All properties replicated
TOTAL: ...