Advanced CSS Some CSS Properties Important Links

CSS Document 2

Heres some advanced CSS stuff you need. Take dis

Table of contents:

Advanced CSS

CSS is not just about styling stuff and shadows and stuff etc. Advanced CSS also introduces alignment: which is a hard task (because CSS is trash, as most people assume). But being hard, its not impossible! Because Google is always there for you :D

The position property:

Being one of the hardest properties I don't understand, the position property can have these values:


Position sticky... uh it makes elements stick. Try this:

Scroll Past me!

Ok fuck it, heres the link:

Make SURE to read it.

SURE, I mean


Position absolute aligns the elements relative to the page. This way, the elements are not aligned onto each other, but according to their specified positions (given by the top, bottom, left and right properties). The top, bottom, left and right properties act as x and y positions for the element (left being the amount of distance from left, top meaning distance from the top, etc.). Used if you want to position some items precisely (mostly used with JS).

Position sticky sticks stuff to the top, like this square you see

Position static is being used on this header, its just absolute but it doesnt scroll away (i think)

Almost all of these properties work with top, bottom, left and right properties. If you dont use them, the desired effect may not be obtained.

Some MORE advanced stuff: Flexbox

Flexbox is a CSS technique to align items more easily. You can use the following code to completely center align something:

Ok i dont know shit about this, and since you dont seem to have primary interest in webdev anymore, you can simple leave this :|

Or you can GOOGLE stuff if you want:

Some more CSS properties:

Property Name Description (related) Possible values Try it
line-height Line height :|
You should already know this :|
Any number + unit (without space). Unit can be px, em, vh, etc.
